Welcome to Microwaved.co.uk

Welcome to our little website dedicated to ... you guessed it... microwaves!

Of course when we say microwaves, we mean microwave ovens and not the short electromagnetic waves themselves!

Microwave ovens come in a variety of types, which we'll discuss more in our buyers guide, so there's a fair bit of choice out there.

Don't fear though! We'll help point you in the right direction and make sure you purchase the best one for your circumstances. All with no faff and as cost effective as possible.

We're sure you'll enjoy exploring our site. Happy microwave hunting!

Sean and Lily

Microwave Oven Buyers Guide

We do all the hard work!

In this fast paced world we live in, we do all the hard work so you don't have to.
You don't want to be thinking about how many auto-cook programs you should get, or what wattage is best, or how many litres capacity etc etc... or maybe you do?

We can cater for those that want to buy quickly as well as those that want to study the specs before making their purchase.

Perhaps you already own an amazing microwave oven? In which case, we can help you get the most out of it with accessories, guides, and tips that cover a wide range of topics.

Search, Select, Buy online

Search for microwave related products from trusted retailers right here on the site. Compare features and prices before making the right decision.

We make it easy for you to just select the best product for your needs and buy.

We may get a small commission for each purchase but be assured that this in no way influences the outcome of our tests and reviews.
